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Monthly Archives: Dec 2022

I miss people
I don’t miss posers
I miss… “and then we’s…”
cascading bumps of good memories
unguarded oopsy’s
fun, spontaneous “look! see” ‘s

I have no time for memes
or over artificialised when-we’s

AI doesn’t do it for me anymore
Sincere and honest “oh, why’s?”
are the real things to explore.

Genuine knock-knocks
Not the univited Mr Spocks
Days of good adventures
not superficial indentures
Remindful recollections
Like cups of good coffee
or pots of fresh tea
holding so much more promise
than mimed politics like algeebeetee’s

Wide fingered gestures
No, I don’t mean investiture

honesty is such a lonely world
we all seem to be running
but no one knows where

the entropy of progress
the frantic advance of regress

I miss missing people
abandoned hand steeples
the plot of spontaneity planning
is the death of new life as in “I’m a spontaneity planner”
A fake surprise doppelganger
turning your best side first
only makes you look and be your worst

When did teaching become a formal, institutionalised occupation?
Whatever happened to sincere, spontaneous personal progress and natural morphic resonance?

If you can…
try get your head around the conceptual abstract idea of artificial intelligence?

say the word advert
…and then consider the word convert

(now consider the concept of artificial intelligence / “AI”
…the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills…
and here I’ve been thinking knowledge and skills come naturally – silly me!?)

People repeating repeatedly

saying the same things over and over

only louder and louder…
as if this makes us more wise, intelligent and knowledgeable?

You can’t repeatedly say
in order to be
you have the responsibility to be
before you can assume the right to say

Don’t follow the big names…
true relationship
is “knock, knock”
…not TikTok!