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Monthly Archives: Oct 2023

what is it of the brains of Man?
who can’t,
though they think they can…
to raise on high
and bellow thoughts
of nothing
but a string of noughts
and stand on boxes – “vote for me!”
“I am the one to set you free!”

and one by one
they fall from high
the stench of flesh that fills the sky
of lies
and promises
seeping through
like the stagnant effluent
we’ve become used to

but on and on the charade parades
painting pictures of better days
dripping through
spit drenched slogans
vomiting lies
on me and you

but fools will turn out
in their numbers
queuing like flies
to repeat the blunders
in hope bereft of any reward
of promises kept
on any record

the lies of liars
will ring on in our ears
and our children’s children
will vomit their fears
and of the end

who can tell
of this “Rainbow Nation”
living in hell.