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Category Archives: culture

I miss people
I don’t miss posers
I miss… “and then we’s…”
cascading bumps of good memories
unguarded oopsy’s
fun, spontaneous “look! see” ‘s

I have no time for memes
or over artificialised when-we’s

AI doesn’t do it for me anymore
Sincere and honest “oh, why’s?”
are the real things to explore.

Genuine knock-knocks
Not the univited Mr Spocks
Days of good adventures
not superficial indentures
Remindful recollections
Like cups of good coffee
or pots of fresh tea
holding so much more promise
than mimed politics like algeebeetee’s

Wide fingered gestures
No, I don’t mean investiture

honesty is such a lonely world
we all seem to be running
but no one knows where

the entropy of progress
the frantic advance of regress

I miss missing people
abandoned hand steeples
the plot of spontaneity planning
is the death of new life as in “I’m a spontaneity planner”
A fake surprise doppelganger
turning your best side first
only makes you look and be your worst

When did teaching become a formal, institutionalised occupation?
Whatever happened to sincere, spontaneous personal progress and natural morphic resonance?

If you can…
try get your head around the conceptual abstract idea of artificial intelligence?

say the word advert
…and then consider the word convert

(now consider the concept of artificial intelligence / “AI”
…the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills…
and here I’ve been thinking knowledge and skills come naturally – silly me!?)

People repeating repeatedly

saying the same things over and over

only louder and louder…
as if this makes us more wise, intelligent and knowledgeable?

You can’t repeatedly say
in order to be
you have the responsibility to be
before you can assume the right to say

Don’t follow the big names…
true relationship
is “knock, knock”
…not TikTok!

why do we tend to want to “lock on”?
can we?
what advantage could it possibly offer?
locking out is just as strange.
both are merely points of reference…

away and towards
it seams

…inevitably tearing it apart

it seems
that nothing ever ends
nor begins

it simply just is
whether we think so or not

it just is
…isn’t it?

words, having been spoken…

off date
end date

too late

the lies of truth
the truth of lies
the deluge of delusion
the delusional deluge
the feast of famine
the famine after the feast
the love of hatred
the hatred of love
all freely available
from any politician near you

clickety-click – swing the stick
clickety-click – feel the prick

beware the company you keep
the company that keeps you
beware that space you occupy
the space that occupies you

the defamation that festers on social media
no different than physically unseen social infiltrations

social media
viral medium

flowing from
flowing towards
people to people
them to them
them to us
… me to you

an insult
a subtle, veiled curse
the simple put-down
an angry judgement
the hurtful comment
an invading visitor
unseen guests
who kill
as silently
as a virus itself

and then

the stricken
helpless and gasping for air
until they slowly,
and finally,

stay away!
don’t go near
mask up!
social distancing
wash those hands!
stay away from super-spreader activities

clickety-click – clickety-click
until we all
and finally,

clickety-click – swing the stick
clickety-click – feel the prick

little bubbles on the horizon
transient rolling foam
bustling, popping, bulging, bumping
looking for some space to roam

bigger bubbles pressing through
devouring, absorbing, expanding goo
all becomes one, one becomes all
increasing the space inside the wall

smaller bubbles lose their name
new spaces form, all the same
but on the rim, the outer lip
it’s the cutting edge that steers the ship

jagged edges expand the bubble
pesky lumps which cause the ‘trouble’
the shape of new things still to come
spiky angles only spoil the fun

the spaces shout to stake their claim
to give themselves a defining name
while the edges cut and break new ground
forging on without a sound

it’s not the empty space within
but the outer rim that grows a thing
perhaps over time as we look back
we’ll learn just where our universe is at

we all have an achilles heel
those of us who work out diligently in the gym
have more visible ones

in the land of the trees
the bark is of far greater value
than the bite

it seems now to be completely possible to be wrong while standing firmly on the foundation of what is considered right, …and equally possible to be right while aligning to what is considered to be essentially wrong

in knowing so much, we seem now to know almost nothing at all, …and even that which we so dearly cling to slips between our fingers as our fists flay away at those whom we think oppose our own views

the obsessive fascination with words, numbers, pictures, socially determined ideas, constructs and popular values, results only in the loss of the real language of life

we all hate being told what to do
yet we love being in control

we all resist change
yet we all want to try change others

we all like to express ourselves to others in order to spread our own perspectives
yet we all get bored when hearing others do the same

everything in our lives is always only about ourselves

constructive, persistent, brutal, self criticism is the greatest tool to world peace

there is no such thing as universal subjectivity
subjectivity is … subjective
when subjectivity gains a social conformity it is always at a cost
this cost is primarily to the individual
it demands a compromise that subjugates reason and sensibility and elevates primal insecurity in all individuals
it needs no policing because if any individual thinks, speaks or acts independently they are censured, marginalized and if necessary expelled
it is also at great cost to the whole group as it lowers the honesty, integrity, intelligence, morality, ethics, functionality, productivity, etc. … to the lowest common denominator
one of the most deceptive forms of social conformity is democracy
democracy is manipulative and coercive at its root and masquerades brazenly as individual and corporate freedom and power to and for the people, but in effect only emasculates a group or even a nation and reduces its value and effectiveness to the level of the scum at the very bottom of the collective gene pool
religion and capitalism are the identical murderous twins of democracy
it is difficult to say which came first, but they are all equally diabolical
socialism and communism are merely democracy at an even more mindless, vulgar and violent level

unquestioned answers


One of my young ones questioned me about the importance we place on planning and time management, on setting goals, on thinking ahead and thinking about things deeply.

“Why do you older guys always want us to think and make plans and be accountable with our time?  Why can’t you just chill?”  “Things are what they are, … why can’t you just let it be?”

I answered,

“One day you too will be older like me and then you will remember this conversation, and I’m sure at that time you’ll see things from a very different perspective.”


“Maybe I won’t.”  he replied.

“Maybe none of us will be here anymore?”

“You say you make plans and prepare for the future.  Then how come is the world in a worse state than ever before?  And why does it seem so highly likely that it’s going to continue getting worse, and that it most probably cannot ever recover, that it’s probably on an inevitable course towards total destruction?”

“Is this what you planned for?”

“Is this what your thinking achieved?”

“Is this what you worked so hard for?”


I remain silent.

It is difficult to hear and speak at the same time.