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Category Archives: lament

what is it of the brains of Man?
who can’t,
though they think they can…
to raise on high
and bellow thoughts
of nothing
but a string of noughts
and stand on boxes – “vote for me!”
“I am the one to set you free!”

and one by one
they fall from high
the stench of flesh that fills the sky
of lies
and promises
seeping through
like the stagnant effluent
we’ve become used to

but on and on the charade parades
painting pictures of better days
dripping through
spit drenched slogans
vomiting lies
on me and you

but fools will turn out
in their numbers
queuing like flies
to repeat the blunders
in hope bereft of any reward
of promises kept
on any record

the lies of liars
will ring on in our ears
and our children’s children
will vomit their fears
and of the end

who can tell
of this “Rainbow Nation”
living in hell.

the lies of truth
the truth of lies
the deluge of delusion
the delusional deluge
the feast of famine
the famine after the feast
the love of hatred
the hatred of love
all freely available
from any politician near you

clickety-click – swing the stick
clickety-click – feel the prick

beware the company you keep
the company that keeps you
beware that space you occupy
the space that occupies you

the defamation that festers on social media
no different than physically unseen social infiltrations

social media
viral medium

flowing from
flowing towards
people to people
them to them
them to us
… me to you

an insult
a subtle, veiled curse
the simple put-down
an angry judgement
the hurtful comment
an invading visitor
unseen guests
who kill
as silently
as a virus itself

and then

the stricken
helpless and gasping for air
until they slowly,
and finally,

stay away!
don’t go near
mask up!
social distancing
wash those hands!
stay away from super-spreader activities

clickety-click – clickety-click
until we all
and finally,

clickety-click – swing the stick
clickety-click – feel the prick

I try and try and try and try…

yet I lie and lie and lie and lie

when hearts and minds are filled with nothing but hatred, revenge and greed
there can be no songs of peace
only the deafening drums of war will be heard
and all who dance to this tune will be struck blind
the charred soil will rise up to meet them
and their mouths will be filled with nothing
except the dust of death