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Monthly Archives: Jul 2021

clickety-click – swing the stick
clickety-click – feel the prick

beware the company you keep
the company that keeps you
beware that space you occupy
the space that occupies you

the defamation that festers on social media
no different than physically unseen social infiltrations

social media
viral medium

flowing from
flowing towards
people to people
them to them
them to us
… me to you

an insult
a subtle, veiled curse
the simple put-down
an angry judgement
the hurtful comment
an invading visitor
unseen guests
who kill
as silently
as a virus itself

and then

the stricken
helpless and gasping for air
until they slowly,
and finally,

stay away!
don’t go near
mask up!
social distancing
wash those hands!
stay away from super-spreader activities

clickety-click – clickety-click
until we all
and finally,

clickety-click – swing the stick
clickety-click – feel the prick

toxic intoxication

cocaine of convenience  

high of hubris 

rejection of responsibilities

causality of chaos

democratic rights… 

or circling circles?

fruits of choice

new years day

or new ears day? 

thinking about it – ….


…it’s all Greek to me

hope in hope abounding,
like a wish dropping in a well.
a story we once thought of
now there’s nothing more to tell

the tale ends before it’s over
it began before it was
a planned trip down memory lane
the unveiling of the Oz

we click our heals in desperate hope
close our eyes more tight
we live in dreams of want to be
in spells of darkened light

the spotlight casts a shadow
the image stretched and long
a scream out of the silence
this will be our victory song

a raincloud passing overhead
a fullstop before the refrain
gurgles in swirling, swishing swoops
as the truth spins down the drain

mind the numbness, numb the mind

mine the numbness, numbness is mine 

vacated vision, vision vacate

run with the masses, but never be late

look without seeing, look to be seen

mean without meaning, repeat the meme

intellect speech – as it says in the book

the machine’s in control, so swallow the hook

“just as the book says,” say those who speak

recite in clear unison for the sake of the weak

we all rise together, our task is complete

the web is connected, the word’s on the street