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Tag Archives: abuse

entropy is speeding up

it’s not so plain to see

it’s not out in space or other things

but right here in you and me


life is for the living

we take it as it comes

we take all it has to give

until the lifeblood runs


growth is something that we do

then suddenly we don’t

why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda?

as far back as ancient history animals like dogs, cattle, sheep, elephants, horses, etc. were being domesticated by humans through selective breeding. the more wild and untamable ‘alpha’ beasts were rejected, usually killed or eaten, and the weaker, more docile were allowed to inter breed with each other.  this of course flies in the face of natural selection as in nature the physically, mentally stronger and better equipped of a species, the leaders and demonstratively dominant usually made it through to be selected by their own kind as prime breeding material in order to give that specific species the best possible chance of survival.
as a result of this human manipulation slowly but surely the selected species temperament changed and eventually settled into a corporative compliant, submissive nature that naturally slotted into the role of that of obedient servants, beasts of burden, if you will, fit only for specific menial tasks and often even specifically bred for slaughter as a convenient food source. the removal or even slaughtering of the superior, more aggressive and dominant in the species was an essential part in the process of manipulation in order for the species to be fully dominated and brought under submission.

yet surprisingly today, even amongst the so-called intelligent and educated of our species, there is still huge amazement and confused alarm at the apparently senseless, increasing violence of police and other defense force services as tools of the ruling  government against the citizens they say they are serving and protecting…

we are not godly simply because we frequent a church building…
… if we live across the road from a university library does not mean we are qualified to be awarded a degree…

the age of enlightenment

the era of technological breakthrough and instant access to vast data and resources…

we bask in circulated memes and scientific discoveries
… and we continue to expect, even demand easier access to all types of information

… and now it seems that we have come to believe that if we have ready access to all this information, knowledge, memes, wisdom, and all other types of data we are automatically learned, wise and mature…


wisdom is vindicated by her deeds… not by her intentions

nor by assumptions based on self aggrandizement

have we even become so bewitched, possibly even to the extent that even constructive, positive and helpful information lulls us into the same comatose state of incapacitation…

… as all the while we are being set up

… as all the while we are allowing ourselves to be set up…

“I’m your wicked Uncle Ernie,
I’m glad you won’t see or hear me, as I fiddle about…

Our mother left me here to mind you, now I’m doing what I want to… fiddling about…

Down with the bedclothes, up with your nightshirt!… fiddle about, fiddle about…”

(John Entwistle – from the rock opera “Tommy” – by The Who)


sorry – I decline, I’m not going, I can’t attend, I’m not signing the petition, no, I’m not re-posting, I don’t agree, I’m not joining, and no – I’m not traveling to New York or London and Los Angeles just to see your band.  I really don’t want to see 1,000 photo-shopped pics of your profile (hell, I’m battling just seeing my own face in the mirror), … and while I’m at it… no, I’m not going to vote for your band. I’ll miss your birthday AGAIN!  good grief, I’m not even sending myself a birthday greeting card or even attending my own birthday … and why should I?

… actually, I’m staying home and watching wildlife programs where a mangy predator with frightening fangs stalks and pounces on poor little innocent, unsuspecting, frolicking herbivores frantically battling to find the last semi-nutritional bushel of grass in a baron wilderness without promise of rain… hang on, that sounds eerily just like Facebook
lion kill

There’s a news24 article today titled “What to do after you get raped” …

NOTE: it’s not “What to do IF you get raped” … this seems to be a foregone conclusion

what a shocking reality that this is deemed clearly necessary…
but, as serious and disconcerting as it is I believe it is equally applicable as a relevant metaphor for the present time…

… I’m very sure this applies to the general populace under the present Sodomic political regime – and not exclusively to women suffering at the hands of vicious and unscrupulous sexual predators… God help us!

our heritage

… where have we come from?

… where are we right now?

…and where are we going to from here?

is it in any way reasonable to assume one can initiate healing and effectively shake off the devastating effects of generations of abuse by legislating the self same abusive acts as the historically abusive perpetrators once committed?

what results can one expect if the previous victims of abuse are legally granted the inalienable right to perpetrate the exact same abuse as they themselves historically suffered, and this allegedly in order to access restoration and healing?

it has been suggested that to do the same thing over again and expecting to get a different result is a sure indication of insanity

maybe the braaing of  “boere” wors as a collective national act on heritage day is the real “state of the nation” keynote address?… unwittingly endorsed by all

… and could this indeed be a tragically succinct declaration of our real national heritage leaking out unintentionally and being exposed and publicised for all to see?

as wrong and undeniably evil as the previous system of legislated abuse was, have we lost sight of the chillingly scary idea that an eye for an eye can only result in all becoming blind?

“South Africa’s ANC party bans minister from eating treat in front of supporters”

What level of ethic is at wok here?

Are we really meant to swallow (pun intended) this and align to a view that because it is not done in public it is ok? …. and that making an external show of something deals with the root cause of it?

The ANC seems to be running the country (and our lives) according to a mocking satirical lyric line in a funk rock tune written by “The Tower of Power” :

“It’s not the crime,

and it’s not the thought,

It’s not the deed,

It’s if you get caught”

How about considering some possible tabloid Headlines to help place this kind of reasoning into a context that might perhaps encourage us to see this from another angle shall we?


* “South Africa’s ANC party bans ministers from corruption in front of supporters”

(The country’s ruling party has decided its senior members should enjoy the sweet treat only in private amid fears it could appear elitist.)


* “South Africa’s ANC party bans ministers from raping and/or committing acts of sexual harassment on women and minors in front of supporters”

(The country’s ruling party has decided its senior members should enjoy the sweet treat only in private amid fears it could appear elitist.)


* “South Africa’s ANC party bans ministers from “tenderpreneuring” in front of supporters”

(The country’s ruling party has decided its senior members should enjoy the sweet treat only in private amid fears it could appear elitist.)


* “South Africa’s ANC party bans ministers from stealing and pillaging in front of supporters”

(The country’s ruling party has decided its senior members should enjoy the sweet treat only in private amid fears it could appear elitist.)


* “South Africa’s ANC party bans ministers from committing acts of sexual harassment on women and minors in front of supporters”

(The country’s ruling party has decided its senior members should enjoy the sweet treat only in private amid fears it could appear elitist.)



* “South Africa’s ANC party bans ministers from committing acts of immorality in front of supporters”

(The country’s ruling party has decided its senior members should enjoy the sweet treat only in private amid fears it could appear elitist.)


 So it’s okay to beat your wife just as long as it’s not in front of the children? … and fathers should never do this in front of the children for fear of appearing violent and disrespectful?

God bless Africa, for we surely have no stomach for it.

For me quite an important aspect of living a life above the noisy dust of the frantic and confused herd is captured in a passage out of  Paul’s epistle to the Roman church.

This passage urges us to not conform to the patterns of this world but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

I feel we live in an unreal world of hype, smoke and plenty of mirrors.  Everyone seems to be huffing and puffing, trying to sell something and make as much noise as possible in the process.   what’s more, we don’t only sell stuff, we sell ourselves.

We raise our voices in the market place to try drown out all opposition so that we can seize center stage, get the attention and do the deal.  Perhaps the reasoning behind this bustle of activity is the belief that the squeaking wheel gets the oil?  and that if we so overpower them with persistent in-their-face-ism we will convince them to be convinced about us?  Or maybe it’s that we actually don’t really believe – in ourselves, our product, perhaps even in our place under the sun or in God’s ability to sustain us as we humbly go our way – … so we shout louder and louder to convince ourselves … and others?

On facebook I have been alarmed at how much of this personal marketing process is shown to have  begun to saturate us in our interactions with each other.  We are preyed on by the owners of the social networks, their clients the advertisers…  and we also prey on each other.  We pepper our own and others profile walls with our personal marketing schemes.

As a way of protest and retaliation to the way I personally have been violated by this barrage of self-selling I (with not a little humorous tongue in cheek but yet with serious intent) posted a status warning people I would add them to an obnoxious group of my own making.

And here is the description of my group:

This Group is a protest page for and against those who qualify themselves as members of such a group by thoughtlessly joining others to their group/event/cause/page/scheme/need, etc. without the dignity of respectfully, privately and personally inviting the person and waiting to receive some form of willing agreement.
It’s also for those who shamelessly market themselves at the expense of those they claim to be their “friends” or pestering them to “LIKE” them or their group/event/cause/page/scheme/ etc… … and who bombard others (their “friends”) with constant cries of “look at me,” “buy my product,” “support me,” “like me,” etc.. with seemingly very little or no awareness of their own self-centred vanity (as if the marketing bombardment of the corporate consumer slave-driving worthless commodity peddling corporations is not already relentlessly beating everyone into helpless submission and then total subjugation).

If you are “joined to the group” without your personal consent and made a member then “feel the love” and revel in the fact that it is an honorary title you now hold.

You are one of them!!!  YAY!!
… and please, don’t try deny it…

But, this is not the mark of the beast YET! … you see, you CAN be removed, but it will necessitate you acknowledging this about yourself and posting a public apology on the wall of the person you disrespectfully “joined” to your “group” or “cause” without respecting them by asking for their their active, willing and personal consent.

Along with the “Secrecy Bill, “Big Brother,” the Church Police and your next door neighour “we” will be watching closely and keeping a record so don’t try to cheat and sneakily delete your membership (because if you do, you’ll simply be added again) … if you are unrepentant as the famous song goes, .. “… you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave… “.

Have a nice day now and please don’t forget to “LIKE” this page?


There are articles out now that point to the alleged marketing strategies of Facebook and other social networking entities.  See–these-10-secrets-reveal-all-2010-10#ixzz1CAeNRwK3

I think if we want to be blatantly honest about all of this and really scientifically empirical in our deliberations and conclusions we need to change our official species designation from “Humans” to “Aphids”. i.e. from genus “Homo sapiens” to genus “Hominids being sapped.”
Let’s face it, there really seems to be malicious ‘harvester ant’ types out there who milk us for all we’re worth, for everything we have, … our very substance and all our vital life juices in every form…. but, it’s no use getting really upset with these diabolically greedy, fat parasites because we seem to love it… in fact we seem to simply crave for this … even demand more… – see this interesting article on herding aphids and how ‘farmer’ ants keep control of their food.

We seem so utterly happy just as long as they keep feeding us with our retail mall plants to suck off… and for desert, our online delivery services, seasonal fashion reminders, new personal little conveniences, telemarketing-sales cable channels, and so on … ad nausea. … then it’s faithfully off to the vomitorium to once again purge ourselves briefly in preparation for the next binge.

Yes, we seem to simply just love it… and whilst we are feasting on the worthless morsels we are force-fed in our dark, neon lit dungeons we seem to echo a hopeless whimper similar to that classic line in “Oliver”, “Please sir, can I have some more!

Personally, I’m still undecided as to who really is responsible for all of this … ‘us’ or ‘them’? … or if maybe the ‘us’ includes the ‘them’? … and the ‘them’ includes the ‘us’?

Now I must admit that when I read these articles on how we seem to be milked and herded for some mysterious ‘others’ personal benefit I get some shivery, cold and clammy sensations running up and down my spine.  A sense of violation settles in my gut and I feel misused and abused.

But does that cause me to delete my Facebook profile?

No, …

… not yet …

… .  .    .    maybe not ever…

sure, there’s ‘us’ and ‘them’ …. but what does this say about ‘me’?
